I would like to give a special thanks to my James Bond fans, especially those who have become my literary followers. Be sure to visit my website periodically to view my latest published work.
About Encounter with the Future…
Imagine an 18-year-old girl landing across the iron curtain for the first time… alone.
What if that girl went from being a nanny, to a fashion model, to a playboy bunny, to an actress, and from London to Hong Kong, to USA in a full and wonderful life encompassing rock n roll, new business ventures, a family and everything in between?
It is not a movie script; this is a real story!
Anika Pavel was born Jarmila Kocvarova in communist Czechoslovakia.
She bravely ventured across the iron curtain to England for what was intended to be a one-year stay.
As her life transpires, she goes from sleeping in phone booths to a Bond girl in the swinging London of the 1960s and 70s.
These are the stories of her life and the people she has shared it with.
People stories. Heartwarming, tender, meaningful and captivating.
In a series of essays, some intimate and small, some touching upon the major historical moments of the twentieth century, Pavel takes us on an unforgettable journey.
Other Publications:
bioStories featured the essay “Jackie Nina and Me” in the Jun 8 2022 issue.
“Finley's Gift” has been selected by Living Spring Publishers for their annual book of short stories, entitled Stories Through The Ages (Baby Boomers Plus 2021). You can order it now directly at, www.LivingSpringPublishers.com or on Amazon and at Barnes and Noble starting in September 2021.
POTATO SOUP JOURNAL, Best of 2020 Anthology is now available on Amazon. You can find the essay “Power Of The Violin” on page 304.
More essays can be found at:
Nixes Mate Review — “When Silence is Not an Option”
Tint Journal “Freedom”
Cleaver Magazine “Unfulfilled Dream”
“No Regrets” is available in print or on PDF from Burningword Literary Journal.
Ariel Chart International Literary Journal “Dream on Ice” (May 2021) and “Still Lucky” (October 21)
Essay “Encounter With The Future” was nominated for the Pushcart Prize by BioStories
Kauai Writers Conference – 2019
Masters of Modern Fiction with Nicolas Delbanco,
The Art Of Short Story with Richard Bauch
Institute For Writers - Fiction Writing with writer Kris Franklin – 2018
Staunton Hill Center for Creativity - Memoir workshop with Donna Lucey – 2017
New York University Steinhardt School – Short Story Writing with Carol Bergman– 2015
Long Ridge Writers Group - Creative Nonfiction with Cindi Myers - 2012-2014
With fellow writers in Kauai
Anika at the Kauai conference with Richard Bauch